Thursday, March 26, 2009

Model UN

Tonight marked my first visit to the revered Model UN program, led by a cadre of experienced students (including our President-for-the-day) and supervised by Professor Mike McBride. We heard about the sequence of events at the upcoming Model UN conference, reviewed resolutions that will be made by our representatives, and listened to students’ intended presentations. Since Caitlin and I were switching roles, I delivered her speech, representing the United States and blasting the government of Sudan for its expulsion of aid workers. It was fun, and I can imagine what it must be like to deliver the speech in front of delegates at the real meeting a few weeks from now in San Francisco. I was impressed with students’ diplomacy and forthrightness in suggesting improvements to each others’ presentations, and I wish others could have heard students discussing world affairs from the point of view of Iceland, Zambia, Angola, the Central African Republic, and the United States. They would have been so proud of our Poets. No wonder we have so many alumni who are doing well in careers in public policy! What an invigorating and affirming way to end my day as a Whittier student!

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